
holfit talks podcast

episode 060



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🗒 Shownotes:

This is a show for YOU … as someone interested in owning your health, leading your life and living your legacy ⚡

If you have a question for the show, watch the for the monthly image queue on the brand page or send it in here

Join this convo LIVE on the last Wed of the month at 2pm EST


Questions answered in this episode:

Q1: I really love how you do your eye make-up (the half lined lid). Could you show us how you do it and what products you use?

Q2: When creating/designing a methodology (in my case for movement/lifestyle that is my brand MIDLINE) how to navigate the waters of Imposter syndrome// How to integrate all my years of learning and experimenting based on my teachers and my own body and bring it forth as new and exciting w my stamp on it w/o feeling like or being judged as a copycat. 

Q3: What has been the most surprising and rewarding for you with welcoming your pup Logan to your family?

Q4:  I’m a new builder and have a very small team. I’m just not sure where to start, should I set up a Facebook page or an Instagram account first?

Q5:  What programs do you use to create your content? Like your eBooks, forms, graphics, etc.

Q6:  How do you organize digital photos on devices? How do you decide what to keep?

Q7: What platform you use to FB livestream your google sides? I love how you have your slides on one side and video on the other.

Q8: Did you ever questions vaccinations? And if so, how did you seek advice in a world that believes in heavily vaccinating our children.


🖥 Join LIVE on the last Wed of the month at 2pm EST: hol-fit.com/live

🎧 SUBSCRIBE to the podcast: bit.ly/holfittalks

📒 All episodes + show notes: hol-fit.com/podcast

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🗓 Join us for the next live Q+A podcast: Nov 27

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